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Любопытными показались книги и пару лекций Джона С. Торелла (John S. Torell)
John S. Torell is founder and president of European-American Evangelistic Crusades, Inc., which was incorporated in the state of California as a nonprofit religious organization in 1972. EAEC is a mission organization dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a dying world, with headquarters in Sacramento, California.
Книги из серии "The Kabbalah - The Mother of All Harlots":
The Kabbalah - Book 1: Sabbatai Sevi
The Kabbalah - Book 2: Jacob Frank
The Kabbalah - Book 3: The Rothschild Family
The Kabbalah - Book 4: The Stealth Takeover of the United States
The Kabbalah - Book 5: The Rise of the Illuminati
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Отредактировано Iоанн Пламенный (23 августа, 2015г. 00:08:40)