Начинаю восстановление моих сообщений, посвященных на форуме ИШФ Мемориалу Таля в Москве (5-18 ноября 2010 г., круговой турнир XXI категории и "чемпионат мира по блицу 3+2").
2010-11-08 13:15:44
Уважаемый дебилоид, недавно Вы задали очень хороший вопрос о «Дне рождения» Т(а)роцкого и его многозначительном совпадении с датой октябрьского переворота 1917 г.. Особенно этот вопрос своевременен сегодня, в 93-ю годовщину «Октября» (абрахадабры, ХИТ-8). Еще раз напомню нашим читателям, что 93, тройной Аль(31), как у Ал.Ал. Алехина, – одно из излюбленных чисел «самого известного мага 20-го столетия» Алистера Кроули.
Точнее, «93» – это гематрия имени его личного беса Айваза, надиктовавшего ему в 1904 году в Каире «Книгу Закона». Воспользуюсь случаем и приведу (в несколько сокращенном виде) один любопытный фрагмент из автобиографии Ал.Кроули, - тем более здесь уместный, что он связан также с разобранным выше уважаемым Святославом вопросом об американской «экспедиции на Луну» в 5729-м году. Надеюсь, я Вас им не слишком утомлю. Из мемуаров Кроули нашим читателям будет яснее общий образ «мыслей» т(а)роцкистов.
Речь в данном отрывке идет об «испытании» духа, явившегося на одном из сеансов магии к подруге Кроули по кличке Camel, используемой им по назначению – то есть, в качестве «медиума». Дух назвался «Wizard».
I am not a spiritualist who accepts any message as of divine origin. I insist on knowing with whom I am talking, and on his showing such qualities of mind that the communication will benefit me.
Now, as it happened, I had a test question to my hand. I had taken the name Baphomet as my motto in the O.T.O. For six years and more I had tried to discover the proper way to spell this name. I knew that it must have eight letters, and also that the numerical and literal correspondences must be such as to express the meaning of the name in such a ways as to confirm what scholarship had found out about it, and also to clear up those problems which archaeologists had so far failed to solve.
«Бафомет» оказался на поверку «Бафометром» из 8 букв, с гематрией 729, девяткой в кубе:
Her Wizard answered my question without hesitation. "Wrong," said I, "there must be eight letters." "True," he answered, "there is an R at the end." The answer struck me in the midriff. One theory of the name is that it represents the words Beta alpha phi eta mu eta tau epsilon omicron sigma , the baptism of wisdom; another, that it is a corruption of a title meaning "Father Mithras". Needless to say, the suffix R supported the latter theory.
I added up the word as spelt by the Wizard. It totalled 729. This number had never appeared in my Cabbalistic working and therefore meant nothing to me. It however justified itself as being the cube of nine. The word chi eta phi alpha sigma, the mystic title given by Christ to Peter as the cornerstone of the Church, has this same value. So far, the Wizard had shown great qualities! He had cleared up the etymological problem and shown why the Templars should have given the name Baphomet to their so-called idol. Baphomet was Father Mithras, the cubical stone which was the corner of the Temple.
I therefore felt justified in concluding that the Wizard really possessed sufficient intelligence to make it worth my while to listen to him. I hastily recorded the dialogue to that point. My next question inquired his name. He replied "Amalantrah". I added this up. This time the result was conclusive. Its value is 729. Already he had shown me that I, in my office as Baphomet, was the rock on which the New Temple should be built, and he now identified himself with me through his own name being of equivalent value.
There was however so far no link between the Order to which he belonged and the Great Order; 729 is not a significant number in the Cabbala of Thelema. But when I asked him to assign a mystic name to the Camel, he replied "Ahitha" which adds to 555, an obvious correlative with my own number in the Great Order, 666. It defined, so to speak, the function of the Camel in that Order.
Striking as were these results, I maintained my sceptical method and proceeded to apply test after test. The Wizard never made the slightest mistake.
24 февраля 1918 года Кроули получает от «Волшебника» указание использовать слово «ТЕРИОН» как имя в ордене Аструм Аргентум.
On the night of February 24th, I happened to want to know whether I could use my name in the Great Order, Tau Omicron Mu Epsilon Gamma Alpha Theta Eta Rho Iota Omicron Nu , (TO MEGA THPION), in conjunction with Hebrew letters. The Wizard replied, "Yes." I asked, "Shall I use the whole name or Theta Eta Rho Iota Omicron Nu alone?” He answered, "Theta Eta Rho Iota Omicron Nu alone."
I then spent some hours in trying to transliterate Theta Eta Rho Iota Omicron Nu into Hebrew in such a way as to give a number which would mean something in my general Cabbalistic scheme. I failed completely!
Решение приходит к Кроули уже на следующий понедельник от некоего Сэмюэля Якова из Коннектиката:
On Monday morning I went to the office of The International. (Заметьте, с июля 1917 года Кроули редактировал в Нью-Йорке посвященный еврейскому оккультизму журнал «Интернационал».) It was a "workless Monday", Dr Garwood having ordered that no office buildings should be heated on Monday for five weeks, on account of the coal famine. I stayed only a few minutes to look over my mail.
On Tuesday I returned to the office, and found on my desk a letter addressed to Viereck and transferred by him to me to be answered. This letter had therefore arrived the day before and had been written in Bridgeport, connecticut, on Saturday evening at the identical hour at which Amalantrah had told me that I could use a Hebrew spelling of Theta Eta Rho Iota Omicron Nu in my work.
The writer of the letter was one Samuel A. Jacob, a designer of Syrise and similar founts of type. He was an entire stranger to anyone in the office, as to myself. His letter concluded, "Please inform your readers that I, Shmuel bar Aiwaz bie Yackou de Sherabad, have counted the number of The Beast; and it is the number of a man: Th = 400 R = 200 I = 10 V = 6 N = 50," giving the spelling תריונ = 666.
At the exact time, therefore, when the Wizard had told me that this could be done, a stranger in a distant town was actually writing the solution which baffled me. Observe that the preparation of this was the problem in my article "The Revival of Magick" published three months earlier!
… Besides his Americanized signature "Samuel A. Jacob", he gave his true name: "SHMUEL Bar AIWAZ bie YACKOU de SHERABAD". I could hardly believe my eyes. Till that moment I had had no idea that Aiwass was anything but an artificial name, like Ahitha. I had tried to find a spelling for it, having never seen it written except in the English in The Book of the Law, but only heard it. I had decided on AIVAS = 78, the number of Mezla, the influence from the highest unity, and therefore suitable enough as the title of a messenger from Him.
I wrote to Mr Jacob for the Hebrew spelling which he gave as OIVZ (עיוז - мое прим.), whose value is 93. The import of this discovery was terrific; 93 is the value of Theta Epsilon Lambda Eta Mu Alpha , the Word of the Law proclaimed by Aiwass, and of Alpha Gamma Alpha Pi Eta , Love, part of the interpretation of Theta Epsilon Lambda Eta Mu Alpha .
«Книга Закона», 93=418It was also that of the Lost Word of freemasonry, which I had re-discovered, thus linking up the mysteries of the O.T.O. with those of the A.'. A.'.. 93 is also the number of the Secret Word of the Neophyte of A.'. A.'., a word indicating symbolically the whole course of existence. It is in fact a completion of the ideas contained in the Sacred Word of the Hindus, AUM.
It was to be discovered later that the Secret Key of The Book of the Law is the number 31, 1/3 of 93. There are three words, each of the value of 31 which represent perfectly the whole mystery of existence. (Снова привет от Ал. Ал. Алехина!) That Aiwaz should have, so to speak, signed himself with His Law, was irrefutable proof of his existence.
I must add one cumulative proof which came to light only in 1923. The Book of the Law claims to express its ideas not by its literary meaning alone but by the actual letters of the manuscript. It had annoyed me --- after the above demonstration --- that in the manuscript the name was spelt AIWASS, which does not add to 93.
But this year, reflecting that "The Book of the Law" is connected more with the Greek Cabbala than with the Hebrew, I transliterated AIWASS into Greek off-hand. Its value is 418! and this is the number of the Magical Formula of the Aeon. It represents the practice of the Book as 93 does the theory.
It is now evident with what inconceivable ingenuity AIWAZ has arranged his expression. He is not content to give one spelling of his name, however potent; he gives two which taken together are not merely twice as significant as either alone, but more so, in a degree which is beyond me to calculate.
This incident with its many ramifications is perhaps the most remarkable thing that has ever happened to anybody.
Надо отметить, что «самый знаменитый маг 20-го столетия» не отличался повышенной смышленостью, если сразу не смог вычислить, как подогнать греческое θηρίον («зверь») и ивритское תריונ («терион») под нужную ему гематрию. Да и в шахматы он играл примерно на том же уровне. Но не в этом дело, - именно такие балбесы нами и руководят.
Важно другое. В октябре 1914 года альпинист, шахматист и наркоман Кроули сбежал от организованной его хозяевами войны в Европе, под предлогом «плохого состояния здоровья» (его свалил неожиданный приступ «флебитиса»):
My leg and my Sunday School record alike conspiring to keep me out of the trenches, and my deplorable lack of stupidity disqualifying me for the Intelligence Department, I accepted an invitation to go to New York.
I went to America by the Lusitania, on October 24th, 1914…
При помощи этого самого британского лайнера «Лузитания» (затопленного «немецкой субмариной» 7 мая 1915 г.) США окажутся позднее втянуты в военные действия в Европе. Именно на нем Кроули сбежал от призыва в армию в «Новый Свет». Отсидевшись в безопасности в США, пока Европа истекала кровью на фронтах «первой мировой войны», Кроули вернулся в Англию в 1919 году.
Он очень уклончиво пишет о своей жизни в Америке в 1914-19 годах (работал в Нью-Йорке, одновременно, на германскую и британскую разведку, занимаясь милитаристской пропагандой), но у нас есть все основания предполагать, что Кроули, среди прочих своих «магических занятий», принимал участие и в тренинге команды террористов иудушки Т(а)роцкого, отправленной затем в Россию для подготовки баалшемистского переворота. А уж оккультистский журнал «Интернационал» они наверняка почитывали и позднее, в революционном Петрограде.
Trotsky was living in New York City when the February Revolution of 1917 overthrew Tsar Nicholas II. He left New York on 27 March but his ship, the SS Kristianiafjord, was intercepted by British naval officials in Canada at Halifax, Nova Scotia and he spent a month detained at Amherst, Nova Scotia. After initial hesitation, the Russian foreign minister Pavel Milyukov was forced to demand that Trotsky be released, and the British government freed Trotsky on 29 April. He finally made his way back to Russia on 4 May.
Дорогой дебилоид, мы не можем быть полностью уверены ни в одном факте «биографии» Т(а)роцкого/Бронштейна – какой была настоящая дата его рождения, его подлинная фамилия, место рождения и т.п.. Члены известного нам интернационала переврали все, что только можно переврать. Но в одном мы можем быть уверены почти стопроцентно: дата «великой октябрьской социалистической революции» 7 ноября 1917 года заключает в себе весь символизм Мажорных и Минорных Арканов Таро:
22 хешвана 5678 года.
В ней представлены и 22 больших Аркана, и 56 малых, да и полная колода в 78 арканов. Это бесспорный факт. Действительно, можно сказать, – праздник Т(а)роцкого и Кроули. Всего интернационала сатаны.